Historisk tidskrift https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20 <p><span class="VIiyi" lang="sv"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="sv" data-language-to-translate-into="da" data-phrase-index="1">Välkommen till Historisk tidskrifts OJS-plattform. Här hittar man årgångarna 2016-2024 (äldre nummer läggs upp efterhand). Historisk tidskrifts äldre årgångar (2002-2020) finns fritt tillgängliga digitalt på <a href="https://svenskahistoriskaforeningen.se/index.php/tidskrifter/historisk-tidskrift/fulltext-av-historisk-tidskrift-2002-19">Svenska Historiska Föreningens hemsida</a>. </span></span></p> <p>Historisk tidskrift, utgiven sedan 1881, är Sveriges ledande historievetenskapliga tidskrift och huvudorgan för de vetenskapliga disciplinerna historia och ekonomisk historia. Innehållet återspeglar hela den aktuella svenska historieforskningens bredd - geografiskt, kronologiskt och tematiskt. Tidskriften vänder sig till såväl fackhistoriker som alla som arbetar med eller är intresserade av historia. Den ges ut av <a href="https://svenskahistoriskaforeningen.se/">Svenska Historiska Föreningen</a> med stöd av Vetenskapsrådet och Kungl. Vitterhetsakademien.</p> Svenska Historiska Föreningen sv-SE Historisk tidskrift 0345-469X En historisk tidskrift, vetenskapliga artiklar och relevans https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/902 Anne Berg Robin Ekelund Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Teori i historisk forskning https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/908 Sara Edenheim Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Historiografisk kommentar till ”Theses on Theory and History” https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/909 Daniel Nyström Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Vad är historia? https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/910 Ulla Manns Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Teori och professionell kvalitetskultur https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/911 Peter Josephson Frans Lundgren Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Nog med ursäkter, låt oss kräva det omöjliga https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/912 Sara Edenheim Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Interkulturell undervisning och det historiska kunskapsfältet https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/913 Henrik Åström Elmersjö Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Fersenska mordets politiska betydelse https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/914 Henrik Ågren Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Den svenska polisens förstatligande https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/915 Stefan Nyzell Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Historiebruk i svensk reggaekultur https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/916 Lars Kaijser Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Claes Westling, Våra historiska arkiv: En slumrande skatt (Lund: Nordic Academic Press 2022). 177 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/918 Samuel Edquist Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Tomas Andersson, Bohusläns historia från järnålder till 1658 (Lund: Historiska Media 2021), 352 s, och Tomas Andersson, Bohusläns historia från 1658 till nutid (Lund: Historiska Media 2023), 352 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/919 Harald Gustafsson Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Claes Gejrot (red.), Sverige 1523 (Stockholm: Riksarkivet 2023). 463 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/920 Olov Lund Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Lars Ericson Wolke, Sten Sture den yngre: En biografi (Lund: Historiska media 2023). 350 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/921 Dag Retsö Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Martin Hårdstedt, Finlands svenska historia (Helsingfors, Stockholm: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, Natur & Kultur 2023). 359 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/922 Jan Samuelson Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Peter Sjölund, Alla är vi valloner: Om sanna och osanna släkthistorier i Sverige (Stockholm: Norstedts 2023). 244 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/923 Marie Steinrud Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Maria Gussarsson, Kartans makt i krig och fred: Fältmätarna, det nya kriget och samhällelig utveckling 1805–1831 (Lund: Nordic Academic Press 2022). 346 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/924 Mats Höglund Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Sven Fritz, Johan Liljencrants: Den fredsälskande reformivraren som blev Gustaf III:s och Sveriges förste finansminister (Stockholm: Institutet för ekonomisk-historisk och företagsekonomisk forskning vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm 2022). 733 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/925 Björn Hasselgren Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Kekke Stadin, The Formal Call in the Making of the Baltic Bourgeoisie (New York, NY: Routledge 2022). 189 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/926 Martin Åberg Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Tage Alalehto, Försvenskningen av Tornedalen – dess socioekonomiska och kulturella konsekvenser (Luleå: Tornedalica 2022). 222 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/927 Linus Salö Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Dan Nordman, Kenneth Gustavsson, Ida Scherman & Tom Gullberg, Det åländska folkets historia V, vol. 2: Ålandsrörelsen och självstyrelsen 1917–1995 (Helsingfors: Ålands kulturstiftelse 2022). 593 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/928 Bo G. Hall Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Maja Hagerman, Minnesbrunnen: Om helgon, skallmätare och hotet mot demokratin (Stockholm: Norstedts 2022). 349 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/929 Petter Hellström Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Martin Ericsson, Vetenskapen som försvann? Svensk rasforskning efter 1935 (Lund: Arkiv förlag 2023). 314 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/930 Måns Ahlstedt Åberg Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Maria Josephson, Lex THX (Stockholm: Norstedts 2022). 280 s. https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/931 Kristofer Hansson Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Att skriva sammanläggningsavhandling i historia https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/904 <p>Writing a compilation thesis in history: The challenges and opportunities for students and faculty</p> <p>This article explores the challenges and opportunities of writing and defending a compilation thesis (composed of several articles and an extensive introduction) in Sweden in the discipline of history, which traditionally leans towards monographs. The authors explore PhD education as an interstitial field, combining elements of education and research, that is governed by partially conflicting expectations about forms of academic publication and evaluation. The investigation encompasses challenges and opportunities faced by PhD students during their postgraduate education, self-reported, as perceived by senior scholars, and structural, embedded within PhD education. </p> <p>Empirically this study builds on two types of data. First, it presents an extensive survey of the literature on the academic quality of compilation theses in several disciplines, with a special focus on history. Second, it builds on in-depth interviews with three former PhD students in history (from the 1990s to the 2020s) who are still active in the field, and their experiences of writing a compilation thesis and its impact on their subsequent careers. The issues they raised ranged from academic independence and control to the resistance they encountered in the discipline and how they dealt with it. The article makes a number of practical recommendations for how postgraduate education in history could address and alleviate some of the challenges of writing a compilation thesis.</p> Wojtek Jezierski Sari Nauman Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Skogskris och resurskonflikt https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/905 <p>Energy shortages and resource disputes: Forest degradation in Sweden, 1740–1820</p> <p>In the eighteenth century, Sweden saw a fierce, elite-driven debate in Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) and Kungl. Patriotiska sällskapet (Royal Patriotic Society) about the country’s wood shortage. It was echoed in several strict forest ordinances, introduced primarily to safeguard the interests of the iron industry. The elite tended to blame the peasantry and their supposed ”skogsödande” or squandering of forestry resources. If the waste of timber and fuel could not be halted, there would be no end to the misery that would befall the country for generations to come; however, were sustainable forestry practices and responsible wood use to be adopted, in accordance with the elite’s proposals, then there would be no limit to Sweden’s prosperity and success.</p> <p>The various explanations of the waste of forestry resources intersected with contemporary cameralism, but also drew on the traditional elite arguments about resource management, making a clear distinction between progressive, moral, patriarchal elite rule and the backward practices of recalcitrant commoners – a distinction that centred on the discourses of threat and solution. It was believed the peasantry were guilty of forest degradation and thus it was their responsibility to remedy it. Any and all of the peasants’ practices, no matter how minor, were thought evidence of their poor forest management and wasteful use of wood. This gave the elite the opportunity to frame such practices as against the interests of the nation and even the peasantry. Good governance by the elite was essential for the preservation of the woodlands, as well as optimising wood use and replacing wood with wood-saving alternatives. Only then could Sweden’s forests be made to flourish again.</p> <p>The peasantry countered the elite’s arguments by portraying themselves as both professional and patriotic foresters, who possessed all the skills for sustainable forestry. They contended that the cause of forest degradation lay not with the peasantry, but with overzealous legislators and officials, regulations, trade barriers, levies, and overambitious infrastructure projects. As such, the peasantry argued that only through deregulation and land reform to benefit privately owned forests would the Swedish state be able to mitigate the threat of deforestation and save one of its most precious resources.</p> Alexander C. Engström Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Den sidste karoliner https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/906 <p>The last of the Caroleans: Remembering Magnus Stenbock</p> <p>In the Swedish city of Helsingborg, in the southernmost county of Skåne, there is a prominent equestrian statue of Magnus Stenbock (1666–1717). Unveiled in 1901, it is a testament to his popularity as a commander of the Carolean Army and provincial governor general. The memorial culture surrounding Stenbock included various monuments, festivals, and parades in Skåne (Scania) and particularly in Helsingborg. This article investigates the emergence of memorial culture, its growing importance, and its purpose and concludes that Stenbock’s popularity in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was closely tied to Swedish nationalism and local patriotism. The celebration of his memory revolved around the commemoration of the decisive Battle of Helsingborg in 1710 as the pivotal moment in Skåne’s transition from Danish to Swedish rule. The memorial culture of Magnus Stenbock is illustrative of the evolution of three levels of identity: a regional city identity, a national identity, and a pan-national identity.</p> Emil Hilton Saggau Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Sverigedemokraternas Sverigehus https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/907 Julia Håkansson Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2 Litteratur inkommen till redaktionen https://historisktidskrift.se/index.php/june20/article/view/917 redaktionssekreteraren Copyright (c) 2024 Historisk tidskrift 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 144 2